Meet the Author

Theresa Reiner

Theresa Reiner was born Theresa Marie Stiles in Saratoga Springs, New York. She graduated from Saratoga High School. Theresa is happily married to her husband Robert. After their children Nicholas and Jessica were grown and in school full time, Theresa went to college completing her Bachelor Degree in Elementary Education at Alvernia University (formerly Alvernia College) in Reading, Pennsylvania. She started teaching elementary school and began right away to obtain her Masters of Science in Education Degree in the area of Computer Education within the Elementary Classroom. She taught for twenty two years with the thought of writing children's books into her retirement. Tess Wants To Be A Tree is her first creation. Her inspiration is her many life's journeys as well as her children and grandchildren. Her hope is that her writing inspires and helps her readers to make good choices and understand that they can be and do whatever they want to in life without being discouraged from others. please feel free to leave a note or a review on Amazon once you have read her first book. There will be more.